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Open criminality is the new norm

Sometimes things move much too fast for someone who isn’t paid to blog. When I first heard about the stunt DeSantis pulled sending migrants to Martha’s Vineyard, it seemed to me that there was something, you know, illegal about it. My first thought was that it was kidnapping. I didn’t practice criminal law, and even had I done so, I probably would have no experience with kidnapping cases, as they are fairly rare, but this seemed to have all the elements. Apparently, DeSantis imported these people from Texas and shipped them to Martha’s Vineyard, inducing them to go along by a series of lies.

I was glad to see that people with more knowledge than I agreed with my conclusions, though it did prevent me from presenting the idea as original with me. Also, apparently, people who lie for a living had a hard time avoiding the conclusion that this was an illegal activity, though of course Ted Cruz would baselessly claim that Joe Biden is a far worse human trafficker than DeSantis.

Gavin Newsome has asked the Justice Department to investigate and bring criminal charges if warranted, and we can only hope that this will happen. Meanwhile, of course, some in the media are doing their best to normalize what is truly outrageous behavior. After all, it’s just a minor stretch on the road to Fascism.

I suppose the Republican Jesus would approve of what DeSantis did. (Check out the video of the Republican Jesus at the link. I don’t know how to embed TikToks, so head on over to Digby’s blog.

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