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What are the odds this bill will pass

If I were a betting man I wouldn’t think twice about how I’d bet on the prospects of this bill actually becoming law:

Reps. Liz Cheney (R-WY) and Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) have introduced the Presidential Election Reform Act to prevent Trump from stealing 2024.

According to NBC News, the bill would “The 38-page bill would make clear the vice president’s role in counting votes is simply ministerial and raise the threshold for objecting to electors from one member of the House and Senate to one-third of each chamber. It would require governors and states to send electors to Congress for candidates who won the election based on state law prior to Election Day, according to an official summary, meaning states couldn’t change their election rules retroactively after an election.”

States would also be banned from extending the election or refusing to certify the results. The legislation also requires that if there is an objection during the count to a state’s results, that objection must be based on specific constitutional grounds.

Okay, so the bill makes perfect sense, but it is not, as the fellow at Politicus writes, “bi-partisan”, in that Liz Cheney has been expelled from the Republican Party.

It is plain as day that a substantial portion of the Republican Party intends to steal every election they can, and that includes the presidential election. I’m sure Lindsey and Ted, among others, will be able to come up with some talking points proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that the bill is just a blatant attempt by Democrats to enable voter fraud, which the media will present as a “both sides” issue and the bill will die in the Senate. After all, Joe and Kristen continue to believe that the filibuster is more sacred than democracy.

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