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A Republican with Principles! (An oxymoron, I know)

Who says that our fascist overlord wannabes have no principles? Well, I’ve probably said it, but look, there are definitely exceptions, and I firmly believe all the other election denial liars should follow this Arizona woman’s principled example:

Liz Harris, recently elected to represent Legislative District 13, issued a statement on her campaign website saying, in part, that “it has become obvious that we need to hold a new election immediately.”

“Although I stand to win my Legislative District race it has become obvious that we need to hold a new election immediately. There are clear signs of foul play from machine malfunctions, chain of custody issues and just blatant mathematical impossibilities,” she wrote. “How can a Republican State Treasurer receive more votes than a Republican Gubernatorial or Senate candidate?”

“I call on all state legislators to join me in demanding a new election,” she added. “I will now be withholding my vote on any bills in this session without this new election in protest to what is clearly a potential fraudulent election.”

I absolutely agree than any Fascist Republican elected official who lies about election theft should take the principled position that they will not vote in state legislatures, the Congress, or any other elected body until they get a do-over, something that doesn’t exist. Obviously it’s too much to ask that they turn down the paychecks they’ll get for doing no work for their constituents.

Also, just to answer her question: a Republican candidate for treasurer can get more votes than Republican candidates for governor or Senator if the Republican candidates for governor and Senator are total whackjobs, who are so whackjobby that they can’t even put one over on Arizonans.

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