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A transatlantic myth

I ran across this article in my news feed today. It’s from the British newspaper, the Guardian. The title is what drew me to read it:

Competence, what competence? Tory chancellors like Jeremy Hunt always spell disaster

British politics are a lot like US Politics these days, with the Tory party becoming more and more the preserve of loonies, as the Republican Party has been for some time.

I gather from the article that in Britain, as here in the USA, the party of the right is credited with having a better ability to handle the economy than the party of the “left”. This is certainly a pervasive attitude here in this country, borne out by polls and much of the media. As the Guardian columnist proves, it’s not true in England, and it’s not true here. In short, it’s a myth that’s quite handy for the Republicans.

The Republican have decided to destroy the economy here, so that they can blame the Democrats, and there’s every reason to believe they will get away with it.The Tory’s don’t have the leeway that the Republicans do, because there’s no such thing as divided government there. It’s becoming more and more clear to the British people that the Tories are indeed incompetent and are interested only in benefitting the rich. It’s harder to assign responsibility here, since when the Republicans refuse to raise the debt limit and the economy crashes, they will blame the Democrats and the media will both sides the issue. That will be the case with everything else they do to tank the economy, and make no mistake they will tank it if it is to their political advantage.

But the myth will likely persist.

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