I read today that Dick Durbin is open to bringing back the blue slip. That’s the rule that allows a Senator to veto the nomination of any judge that will serve in his or her state. So, for instance, if Trump were president, and he wanted to appoint a fascist to be a judge here in Connecticut, Blumenthal or Murphy could veto it.
Except they couldn’t, because in order for them to have to veto it in the first place, they would have to be in the minority, and if they were in the minority and there were a Republican president the Republicans would immediately either repeal the rule or effectively ignore it and confirm the judge in question. After all, who would stop them. The Supreme Court? Okay, if that state of affairs were to come about it won’t much matter that the Democrats won’t be able to stop fascist judges, because the country will have become a fascist state, but still, the least they can do is recognize the problem and not enable the fascists.
On the other hand, if the Democrats retain the majority in the Senate and re-elect Biden, the Republicans will obstruct Biden’s appointment at every turn, and the Democrats will do nothing about it.
Someone really has to explain to people like Durbin that it’s not the 1970s anymore, when there were still some rational Republicans out there. You can’t trust them to keep their word. That should be obvious since whenever they’re on television or open their mouth in some other public place all they do is lie.
So, what Durbin is thinking of doing may not be such a big deal on its own, but it speaks volumes about the fact that Democrats in high places don’t appreciate the nature of the historical forces at work in this nation.
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