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Yet another modest proposal

I’ve complained a number of times about the failure of Democrats to get their message out in an effective way. There are some indications that the Biden campaign is trying its best, so that’s a good thing. Nonetheless, I have a modest proposal, inspired by reading this report of the latest idiotic Trump statement to his brain dead followers, which reads as follows:

I don’t care about you. I just want your vote.

There are multiple statements like this, none of which the mainstream will report, because after all, it’s just Trump being Trump. We would, of course, never hear the end of it if Biden were to say something half as stupid. My understanding is that they’re trying to say he was joking, but besides being a lie, that doesn’t make it alright. It’s not the kind of “joke” any politician with half a brain would tell.

Anyway, to my modest proposal.

I would suggest a commercial that would enlighten the masses about these sort of statements, since the media won’t do it.

Start it off something like this:

We all know that almost everything Donald Trump says is a lie, but every once in a while he tells the truth. In the interest of fairness we think everyone should know about these rare occurrences. Here are only a few.

Followed by the clip you can view at the link, and many many more like it. It would not only illustrate where he’s really coming from, but would highlight his growing dementia.

To show what a good Democrat I am, I won’t charge the Biden people for this idea.