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A not so surprising development

Trump’s minions are now laying the groundwork for pulling out of the upcoming debates. Hannity is even making the risible claim that Biden will be so “jacked up” that the competition will be unfair.

I suggested last month, when the debates were first announced:

The Democrats, who rarely act in concert to push a point, should act in concert to push a point. They should begin now to taunt Trump by claiming that he is going to chicken out of the debates and try to blame Biden. They should keep up the drumbeat.

There would then be two possible outcomes.

Trump would debate and get creamed, with the entire country witnessing his diminished capacity.

Trump would pull out of the debate and, (see above) try to blame Biden, but it would simply be risible, given the fact that he would be doing exactly what the Democrats had predicted.

As the reader may realize, the Democrats have not been taunting Trump, which was the obvious thing to do. They probably won’t start now, even though it’s clear that he’s on the verge of chickening out. I’d like to be proven wrong about this, but, alas, that seems unlikely.