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It would be nice, but it ain’t going to happen

I came across this article at Lawyers, Guns & Money recently, and I have to admit that I fervently hope that this speculation turns out to be true. One of the bloggers there, Paul Campos, passed on a tweet from Anthony Scarmucci (of all people) who says we should not be surprised if Trump drops out of the race. Campos goes on to say that it’s unlikely, but possible. Since that would likely leave the Republicans with JD Vance as their candidate, it would be a great thing, but I’m here to tell you it won’t happen.

Trump is incapable of accepting the fact that he could or did lose. He’s proven that over the course of the last four years. But there’s another reason he won’t quit. If he loses, or withdraws, his chances of going to prison skyrocket, and if he’s yesterday’s news, the Supreme Court may very well decide to try to keep whatever shred of respect it has left.

After writing the above, but before posting it, I came across this, which makes some of the same points.