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There’s a primary tomorrow

I haven’t posted for a while. I can explain. We spent last week in Vermont and my time was filled with family events. Well, not completely, but enough to keep me away from blogging. Also, it’s getting harder and harder to come up with anything that hasn’t already been beaten to death by the blogs I frequent. I mean, guess what? Trump is declining into senility and every time he opens his mouth or vents on Lie (Oops, I mean “Truth”) Social he lies and the mainstream media ignores or downplays it. Latest I’ve seen, lying about the crowds for Kamala at the Detroit airport. Follow the link. Even some of his right wing followers are getting tired of the lies, but unlike if a Democrat did it, the Times will mention it once and then forget it.

Anyway, the purpose of this post is to announce that I will in fact post again tomorrow, though late in the evening with some Connecticut news.

Did you know there’s a primary in Connnecticut tomorrow? There are no local candidates on the ballot here in Groton. It’s a Republican primary only, and I haven’t the slightest idea who is running against who, though I think it’s two whackjobs running against each other for the privilege of getting wiped out by Chris Murphy. I’m sure if I DuckDuckGoed it (I don’t use the monopolist Google) I could find out who they are, but who really cares, and anyway I’ll see a sample ballot tomorrow, so I’ll let my readers know tomorrow.

For the past several years I’ve been a poll worker. On actual election days I’ve worked doing same day registration, but that isn’t available on primary days, so tomorrow I’ll be checking people in as they come to vote. So, it’s my guess that I’ll be spending most of the day reading, drinking tea, playing Sudoku, and doing crosswords, waiting for the very occasional voter to drop by. I will also be doing a play by play, so to speak, keeping track of the number of people who come in, and describing the day in a blog post. I wouldn’t mind posting on the hour, but I don’t think that would sit well with the registrars, so I’ll wait until I get home. It’s a long day. We report at 5:15 AM and leave around 9:00 PM, though we do get a break or two. My guess is that any given worker could take a four hour break tomorrow and no one would miss them. If the total number of voters in my district exceeds 100 I’ll be very surprised. My guess is that most of the folks coming in to vote will be members of the rapidly dwindling Republican Town Committee, since they’re probably the only people in town that know there’s a primary. Looking on the bright side, I do get paid for my time, and maybe I’ll donate my check to Kamala.