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Time to attack

It’s not often that I disagree with digby over at Hullabaloo, but this is one of those times. She has a post recounting the many times the New York Times has committed journalistic malpractice when it comes to Donald Trump. I don’t argue with the main thrust of the post, which is quite good, but I don’t agree with this closing paragraph:

I guess the Democrats have no choice but to simply accept the asymmetry of the press coverage which is made many times worse by the fact that the right already has an extremely effective partisan media dedicated to pushing Trump’s lies. We’ll just have to maintain a critical eye through the campaign and beyond.

I would suggest that the Democrats take a page from the Republican playbook of some years back, when the Republicans constantly attacked the “liberal media”, a media that wasn’t all that liberal but was more likely to call things what they were. I really don’t think, for instance, that the media of twenty years ago would have failed to point out that Trump’s mental health, never very good as he suffered from serious mental impairments such as narcissism, is now declining into senility, enhanced by his other mental impairments. The “liberal media” attacks worked, in that the media generally, with the possible exception of MSNBC, does its best to ignore or soft pedal Republican lies, corruption and hypocrisy.

It’s time the Democrats went on the attack, specifically calling out the media for failing to call Trump’s mental impairments what they are, particularly since they constantly questioned Biden’s mental competency, which far exceeds that of the very stable genius.