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Both sideism actually seems to favor one side!

I haven’t posted much recently. One of the reasons is that it seems like everything going down is so obvious that anyone with an ounce of intelligence can figure it out for themselves. I could also argue that my duties as the treasurer of the Groton Democrats during this most important election since 1860 take up too much of my time, but that would be stretching the truth almost as much as a certain stable genius stretches it.

It has been particularly frustrating to watch as the media covers up for Trump’s senility, stupidity and incoherence. The latest example is reported here (not in the mainstream, of course, but at Hullabaloo). Trump was in front of a crowd of rich people (the only constituency he actually serves) and was asked a direct question about how he intends to help people pay for day care. There’s a video at the link. He makes no sense, but in true New York Times fashion the paper of record avoids calling it what it is. The New York Times:

After his speech, Donald Trump was asked how he might address rising child care costs. In a jumbled answer, he said he would prioritize legislation on the issue but offered no specifics and insisted that his other economic policies would “take care” of child care. “As much as child care is talked about as being expensive, it’s relatively speaking, not very expensive compared to the kind of numbers we’ll be taking in.”

Digby sums it up:

Does that accurately describe Trump’s incomprehensible babble? I don’t think so but it certainly was nice of the NY Times to “interpret” his comments to mean that he “insist[ed] that his other economic policies, including tariffs, would take care of child care.” It’s very generous of them to help him out that way otherwise people might think that Trump had absolutely no idea what he was talking about and clearly has no economic “policy” other than tariffs (which he doesn’t understand either) even after having spent four years in the White House. Why, they might even conclude that he doesn’t have the mental capacity to be president. I guess that would be rude.

He’s getting worse by the day. There’s a new term for what the media is doing when giving Trump’s mental impairments a pass: sanewashing. Even if he weren’t a fascist having him as president would be a clear and present danger. Nothing Biden ever did was this bad, but the Times couldn’t stop bringing up his cognitive functioning. But, in the interest of both sideism, it avoids doing that with Trump because both sideism consists of proving you are not the liberal media by attacking Democrats, and giving Republicans a pass.

So, nothing above is new, but I figure I have to post once in a while.