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Category Archives: Rants

A curmudgeon curmudgeons

Is it just me? Am I the only one infuriated by this sort of thing? Today, yet again I read about a anti-vax idiot responsible for the death of someone who could not protect themself: Another infuriating story about the unvaccinated harming those around them. Or at least this is what this looks like. Little […]

People for whom my heart doesn’t bleed

We liberals are reputed to have bleeding hearts, but mine appears to be blood free, at least when I read about people like this: “I am not going to be vaccinated. I’m going to be one of the survivors. I’m going to survive the genocide,” right-wing pastor and universal bigot Rick Wiles proclaimed on Friday, […]

We can’t let the French beat us!

The French have thrown down the gauntlet and we can’t refuse the challenge! Our country, this precious land of Freedom Fries was, is, and shall always be number one! We can’t let the French, who stupidly refused to get bogged down in an endless war in Iraq, one-up us, and yet look what they’ve done: […]

Super Sunday rant

This is my blog, and since no one reads it anyway, I figure I have a perfect right to write about two unrelated things in one blog post. So, here goes. As a still licensed, though retired lawyer, I’m interested in the series of lawsuits that have been filed against, Fox, Giuliani, and their ilk […]

Is it time to get over it yet?

Way back in the year 2000, when the Supreme Court probably stole an election from the Democrats, an outcome that surely accelerated the tendency toward fascism in this country (George Bush and Dick Cheney are masquerading as good guys now, but they helped lay the groundwork for the very stable genius), we Democrats were advised […]

Rant/Modest Proposal

Why is the left so bad at messaging? Case in point, the calls to Defund the Police. Any idiot who gave that phrase even one second of thought would come to the obvious conclusion that not only is it a stupid idea on the merits (defund translates to no funding, not lower funding), but would […]

Book Report and rant, all in one

It is probably fair to say that this nation has not been as divided as it is today since before the Civil War, so, if it’s true that those who fail to learn from history are bound to repeat it, it is more than advisable to look at the history of that very divided time. […]

A look ahead, revisited

One of my readers (my only reader?) emailed to ask me if, in light of the Trump amplified corona virus, my predictions for the years ahead had changed since this New Year’s day post. Inasmuch as I find that commenting on the daily events, all of which seem so predictable that any intelligent comment seems too […]

An open letter to Democrats in Congress

Dear Democratic Congresspersons: Back at the beginning of the Obama Administration, Rahm Emanuel had this to say: You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before. The Obama Administration, Rahm helping to lead the way, then proceeded […]

An Open Letter to our friends, the Bernie Bros

Dear Bernie Bros: It has now become clear that Joe Biden will enter the convention with a majority of pledged delegates and will not have to rely on Super Delegates to get himself over the top. Just a few weeks ago, Bernie’s folks were arguing that the nomination should go to whoever gets to the […]