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Category Archives: Dysfunction

New Libel rules for thee but not for me

There are rumblings on the right that the landmark case of Sullivan vs. New York Times should be overruled. The Sullivan case requires proof of actual malice on a libel defendant’s part when the plaintiff is a public figure. The case does have it’s problems. For instance, it’s not unknown for a plaintiff to become […]

An easy prediction

It seems that the guy who stole his own election, Brian Kemp, has just allowed as the recently passed Georgia Voter Suppression Act “has nothing to do with potential fraud”. The writer at Crooks and Liars makes what should be a reasonable observation that those words might come back to haunt Kemp as the lawsuits […]

The Pillow Man Speaks

Mike Lindell, the MyPillow guy, says the Supreme Court is going to put the genius back in office by July. He has inside information, he says, quite likely of the same quality as the information he claims to have about the voting machine companies. The Pillow Man, along with all the other things he doesn’t […]

Upcoming Judicial Decision, A CTBlue exclusive!

RULING ON MOTION TO DISMISS Defendant Sidney Powell has moved to dismiss this libel action brought by Smartmatic, a manufacturer of voting machines. Powell is a lawyer who puts herself forward as being an expert in election law. She has, while purportedly acting on behalf of the former guy appeared on Fox and other right […]

An under the radar development

There are always things going on under the radar whose effects sneak up on us when it’s too late to do much about them, or at least when it’s too late to prevent the harm they cause. This one is likely among those that may cause quite a bit of harm before it can be […]

Are they really this crazy, or just playing crazy for the press?

I just got finished reading this post at Crooks & Liars, and my mind is truly boggled. The post is a sort of a state by state summary of the extent to which the nutcases have taken over state and local party organizations. But this is what struck me as the craziest thing of all: […]

Worth thinking about

Here’s an interesting op-ed piece in the Boston Globe, by a fellow named Josh Bernoff. The premise is that in this social media age, most people are exposed to what they want to hear, largely due to algorithms that feed “both sides” the facts and opinions they are predisposed to believe. This, in turn, has […]

You know, the constitution isn’t really all it’s cracked up to be

I know I should still be celebrating Biden’s victory, but, along with John Fogarty, I see a bad moon rising. Kurt Gödel, he of the incompleteness theorem, came to this country from Germany in the thirties, to Princeton, where he was pals with Albert Einstein. When he became a citizen he was anxious to explain […]

It’s perfectly normal when the right does it

We often read about both siderism in our media: the insistence by the punditocracy and many reporters that both sides are equally responsible for the rot in our political system. But there’s often something more pernicious going on: an absurd emphasis on something when one political party does it (that would be the party beginning […]

Something to think about

We are taught to believe that the men who framed the constitution were infinitely wise, but in fact, the government they framed was flawed in many respects. Ben Franklin was quoted as saying that they had framed a “Republic if you can keep it”, but in many ways the constitution itself makes keeping a republic […]