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Category Archives: Creeping Totalitarianism

Tucker, the 21st century fifth columnist

So, it appears that Putin considers Tucker Carlson to be one of his most valuable propagandists: On March 3, as Russian military forces bombed Ukrainian cities as part of Vladimir Putin’s illegal invasion of his neighbor, the Kremlin sent out talking points to state-friendly media outlets with a request: Use more Tucker Carlson. “It is […]

The Supreme Court isn’t partisan…

It’s just a massive coincidence that it’s rulings all favor Republicans, as they implement their racist agenda to once again deprive African Americans, other minorities, and Democrats generally, of the right to cast a meaningful vote, assuming they are allowed to vote at all. Today the court stayed a lower court ruling that found -surprise-surprise- […]

The Year Ahead

In the past, as the new year approached, I’ve often posted predictions for the coming year. I haven’t always been right, but I think I have a pretty good track record. This year I’ve got almost nothing. There are some things that are a given. The media, particularly the broadcast media, will, by and large […]

If they accuse us of doing something, that means they are doing it

Basically just passing this along, though I’m willing to bet it will get no notice from the mainstream press. Rand Paul emitted this tweet: “How to steal an election: ‘Seeding an area heavy with potential Democratic votes with as many absentee ballots as possible, targeting and convincing potential voters to complete them in a legally […]

Don’t expect consistency from this court

Gavin Newsom, California’s governor, is planning to turn the tables on the Supreme Court, using the same dodge Texas used to abolish abortion rights to abolish the already bogus gun rights. In their rush to permit the state of Texas to deputize private citizens to bring lawsuits against women seeking abortions and their abortion providers, […]

Where we are headed

I have read about this particular story before, but it is definitely not widely known, and, as the linked article points out, it should be a story that is widely publicized. It demonstrates the increasing predominance of the right in our courts, and the failure of our media to cover abuses perpetrated by both our […]

You sometimes need a weathervane

Bob Dylan famously wrote that you don’t need a Weatherman to know which way the wind blows, but sometimes it doesn’t hurt to have a weathervane, and here’s a case that may give us an early indication of just how much Donald Trump’s judicial picks have warped our legal system: The AP reported, “Former President […]

What is this first amendment to which you refer?

We live in strange times. Just when you think someone has done the most outrageous thing you can think of, someone comes along and tops it. You can read the full story at the link. I’ll summarize: A reporter in Missouri discovered a flaw in a state website that exposed the personal information of thousands […]

A bit of a rant about today’s courts

I’m no longer a practicing lawyer, but I’m still interested in legal developments. We now have a federal court system dominated by ideologues for whom the disinterested application of legal principles is important only insofar as the courts will feel obliged to cloak their decisions in language that they can claim shows said disinterested application, […]

How to win elections if you’re a Republican

By all accounts, Ron DeSantis is committed to killing as many Floridians as necessary to advance his own political fortunes. The only conclusion one can draw from his behavior is that he firmly believes that those fortunes will be enhanced if he is a national leader in openly and devoutly doing all the wrong things […]