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Monthly Archives: January 2008

Happy belated birthday to this blog

I have now been writing this blog a little over 3 years, having started on January 15, 2005. The idea at the time was that it would be an adjunct to a newly forming chapter of DFA. That never worked out, but I soldiered on, as it helped me work through the depression of the […]

Music to drink (liberally) by

The next meeting of our nascent Drinking Liberally chapter (am I using “nascent” correctly? My dictionary says “yes”, but barely, so I leave it to my resident etymologists to decide) will meet at the Ice House Pub at the Bulkeley House at 111 Bank Street in New London on February 7 at 6:30 PM. We […]

Bush speaks, the market plunges

Yesterday I mentioned that my wife speculated that the market downturn may be related to foreign investors taking their money to greener pastures. Turns out that she was may have been right, at least according to Paul Krugman: The story has played itself out time and time again over the past 30 years. Global investors, […]

Reagan redux

Now it looks like I may have retracted yesterday’s piece about Obama too soon. Turns out he did use the quoted phrases about Reagan. You can judge for yourself by watching this video clip, which unfortunately is not something I can post here. It can certainly be argued that Obama was not endorsing Reagan, or […]

Oooh, that hurts

The stock market fell 300 points today. Whenever a Republican is in office I feel a secret pleasure when I hear bad economic news, since it increases the chances for removing those Republicans. Some things are more important than money, though few Republicans would agree. Oddly enough, when the Democrats are in the White House, […]

Questions we’d like to hear asked

A friend from college, presently living in Canada, wrote me about the presidential elections, and included a list of questions that he would like to see posed to the presidential candidates. I assume he won’t mind if I borrow from that email and pass them on. There’s nothing particularly special about these specific questions. His […]

Barack buys into Reagan worship (No he didn’t)

THE FOLLOWING POST WAS WRITTEN BASED ON A REPORT WHICH HAS SINCE BEEN SHOWN TO BE UNTRUE. I’m leaving it up as proof of my fallibility. Obama apparently did not make the statement that was attributed to him. The title to the post has been changed to reflect reality. Every time I find myself feeling […]

Another White House crime. Will the pundits yawn again?

Remember Travelgate? It was a big scandal in the Clinton years. The Clinton’s were accused of having done something to members of the White House travel office. It was never quite clear what they had done, but it provided endless grist for the media mill and a thorough Congressional investigation. What a difference a few […]

Bush’s resume

This is flying around the net, I’m sure. I got it in an email this morning, but as it does a fairly good job of reproducing the Bush presidency, I pass it on: RESUME GEORGE W. BUSH 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, DC 20520 EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Law Enforcement: I was arrested in Kennebunkport, Maine, in […]

Conservative jurisprudence

I came across a fascinating exchange today between Glenn Greenwald and a right winger named Ed Morrissey. Glenn, a lawyer, commented on the Morrissey post to which I’ve linked. In that post, Morrissey, obviously not a lawyer, criticizes a lower court in Nevada for ordering NBC to allow Dennis Kucinich to participate in a recent […]