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Monthly Archives: March 2010

Retraction, sort of

Yesterday I wrote a post about a min-controversy involving Merrick Alpert, who was administratively suspended from the practice of law for failing to pay his client security fund fee. Jon Kantrowitz, who posted about the issue on My Left Nutmeg, left a comment to the effect that, in fact, as it turns out, Merrick did […]

Merrick, suspended

I’m not quite sure what to think about this. Over at My Left Nutmeg, Jon Kantrowitz takes severe exception to the fact that Merrick Alpert has not paid his client security fund fee, and was therefore administratively suspended from the practice of law. It appears the non-payment is intentional on Merrick’s part, though it is […]

Wimps to the infinite power

Wow. Via Think Progress, from whom I’ve stolen almost the whole article: During his reign as Senate Minority Leader, Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has led his party to engage in an unprecedented level of obstruction — wielding the filibuster to block even routine bills and nominations while simultaneously lying about his own previous support of […]

Talkin’ more CDS blues

Gretchen Morgenstern, the Times’ excellent business reporter,exposes another as yet unexploded credit default swap bomb, this time close to home. Seems that many municipalities have issued credit default swaps in connection with municipal bonds. In theory, the swaps allowed the municipalities to pay a slightly lower rate of interest, but that happy outcome, as elsewhere, […]

Friday Night Music

It’s that time again. I do feel like I’m cheating, since I haven’t done much actual blogging this week, so I really should be dispensing incisive commentary, but as I said in my last post, the world of politics is getting too depressing for mere words, even if those words are strung together by a […]

A few chuckles

I have not written much lately, for one reason or another. Drinking Liberally last night, just being lazy Wednesday, etc. My sloth is largely due to the fact that the news has been extremely depressing lately. Sure, Democratic stupidity makes an easy target, but after a while it wears thin, and what more can you […]

Democrats Preemptively cave to the banks and the Republicans

It seems like eons ago, but it was really barely a year ago that Rahm Emmanuel said that you should never let a crisis go to waste. Well, the Democrats, pushed relentlessly by Emmanuel, by the way, have done just that. The latest proof of that, if any was needed, is the stark contrast between […]

Goodbye Blanche

Bill Halter, the Lieutenant Governor of Arkansas, has announced that he will primary against Blanche Lincoln. If Nate Silver is to be believed (and he usually is), neither one of them stands much chance in the general election, though Halter’s chances are a wee bit better. Back in 2006 our own Ned Lamont showed the […]