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Yet another modest proposal

The latest lie (there may be a new one before I post this) the right is spreading is the claim that Joe Biden wanted to be able to sit through the upcoming debate, yet another example of projection since it’s unlikely Trump will be able to stay awake through the whole thing, assuming he doesn’t back out. Josh Hawley has embraced this particular lie, and he surely knows it’s a lie. CNN, which is running the debate, has denied it. It is yet another indication that the Republicans are setting the stage for Trump to back out and blame Biden somehow.

It has become commonplace for Trump’s ass kissers (you know, the guys who want to be vice president) to embrace these lies.

Now, surely each of these liars is aware of the fact that Trump is rapidly declining into senility. (I must point out here that my IPad suggested the word “senility” after I typed the five words that precedes it. Good programming) It is highly unlikely that, if elected, he could function even up to the abysmally low standard he set in his first term. Josh knows that. So do Tim, Marco, Kristi, and all the other ass kissers who are putting their own interests over those of their country. It is not stretching things much to suggest that each sees the probability that it will be necessary to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove him and elevate the chosen one. Keep in mind that it’s also the case that none of the lickspittles auditioning for VP could ever be elected president on his or her own. Succeeding an incapacitated, dead or, in Trump’s case, imprisoned president, is pretty much the only way any of them would be in a position to complete the destruction of the Republic.

Now for the modest proposal. I suggest the Democrats accuse these craven individuals of planning such a coup if they manage to win the election. It’s exactly the kind of thing that would get under Trump’s skin, because he would believe it, since it’s exactly what he would do if he were in their shoes. The fallout would be fun to watch and would do the Republicans no good.

As an aside, should this scenario play out, the Democrats would face a difficult decision, since it requires two thirds of each House to complete the ouster of the sitting president. As a Democrat, do you acknowledge the truth of the fact that Trump is senile and vote to install someone like Josh, or do you figure the senile one can do less harm than the dictator in waiting.