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Trump calls on JD to do his duty

I got a kick out of this post at Hullabaloo. It seems that Trump has an idea about making sure that vice presidents always invoke the 25th Amendment in case the president is incapacitated:

Donald Trump on Saturday floated changing the 25th Amendment to allow Congress to impeach a vice president for covering up a president’s incapacity less than two months after President Joe Biden exited the 2024 contest amid concerns about his age and acuity.

In yet another example of projection you couldn’t make up, he’s implying that Joe Biden is senile, and that Kamala Harris should have, or should now, step in and have him removed. This, after accusing her of engaging in a coup by running for president after Biden stepped aside. I guess in the world of Trump you truly can have it both ways.

Were I Kamala I might bring this up in the debate, and suggest that Trump might think twice about encouraging JD to look carefully at Trump’s mental state if he were to be elected. After all, JD could argue that with such an amendment in place, he had no choice but to act in light of Trump’s obvious mental incapacity.

A few months ago I suggested that the lickspittles vying to be Trumps vice president might choose such a route to the presidency. It really does seem that Trump might not want to give JD any encouragement.

In any event, hopefully we needn’t worry about such a thing happening. I’m looking on the bright side and I do believe Kamala will win.